“No Poison Gas Was Ever Used… Witnesses Have Lied” ∼ Allied Committee Of Inquiry

“It could be proven that torture was used to extract confessions, and witnesses have lied”



Memo Nr: 31/48

“The Allied Committee of Inquiry has to date proven that no poison gas was ever used to kill prisoners in the following concentration camps……

Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenburg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen, and satellite camps..Natzweller, Neuengamme, Niederhagen(Wewelsberg), Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen, Stutthoff, Theresienstadt, In all cases where gassings were alleged, it COULD BE PROVEN THAT TORTURE WAS USED TO EXTRACT CONFESSIONS, AND WITNESSES HAVE LIED. Any former inmate who, during their debriefing continues to allege that Poison gas was used to murder people – in particular Jews – are to be reported to this office, and if they insist on lying further, they are to be charged with perjury.”

Signed Major Miller
Commanding Officer..Allied Military Police Vienna

Witnessed by: Lieutenant Lachout MP

[Note: Auschwitz was not included in this camp list, as it was under the jurisdiction of the Jewish Bolshevik Soviets, not the Allies.]

Allied Military Police - Vienna

N. Jones is a Writer, Researcher, Historian and Literary Critic.


7 thoughts on ““No Poison Gas Was Ever Used… Witnesses Have Lied” ∼ Allied Committee Of Inquiry

  1. […] In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatsoever of “gas chambers.” [‘The Allied Committee of Inquiry’ agrees: “No poison gas was ever used” – here] […]


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