1938 News Report: Financial War on “Anti-Semitic States” for “Persecuting Jewish FINANCIERS” not Civilian Jews

The Worker, the official organ of the Australian Labour Party in Queensland and regular periodical for various amalgamated Labour Unions throughout Australia (see here), reported to the world on January 4, 1938, that “International Jewry” was orchestrating a heavily funded financial war, in addition to their previous Declaration of War‘ – being the continuance of the 1933 world-wide Economic Boycott against Germany.

financiers_shadow-copyINTERNATIONAL JEWRY – Financial War Planned Against Anti-Semitic States – £500,000,000 Fund to be Raised

‘Jewry, faced with persecution in Poland, Rumania, Germany, Austria, and elsewhere, intends to hit back,’ says the ‘Sunday Chronicle,’ according to a cable dated London, January 2.

‘The battle will be fought on the world’s stock exchanges. Most of the anti-Semitic States are burdened with debts, and they may find their very existence threatened.

‘The leaders of international Jewry will meet in a village near Geneva this week to plan a fund of £500,000,000 with which to fight the persecutors of Jewish financiers in all parts of the world.

‘No difficulty is expected in raising such a fund, which, combined with a trade boycott, will enable the launching a counter-offensive, in which the Jewish persecutors may be defeated.”

Source: National Library of Australia 

For over eight decades, the world has been led to believe that from the outset of 1933, the Germans “Persecuted” everyday German-Jews for simply being Jewish, even though German-Jews of the time, denounced this international propaganda. By International Jewry’s own admission, it was the self proclaimed “Jewish FINANCIERS” who – incidentally had their parasitic usurious positions outlawed by Germany’s Economic Reform –  were the ones being singled out and they did in fact feel the need to differentiate themselves from everyday Jews with this claim, as to who was supposedly being persecuted.
The targeting of “Jewish Financiers” was a well founded claim, as NSDAP policies and reform saw the cleansing of Communists in governmental positions and immoral financial and trading practices removed from the Reich – it just so happened that around 98% of these Communists and unscrupulous Speculators, were in fact Jewish. If these communist elements within Germany were Spanish or Chinese, their resulting fate would have been the same and it would have been due to their corrupt practices which greatly effected German society, not their ethnicity – as the other 2% of non-Jewish communists who also lost their positions, attests to.
However, whether being forbidden to continue economic rape against a nation and its people, could be considered “Persecution” is another question. Perhaps the reader may want to consider what life is like as the impoverished, starving and economically raped people, opposed to those minority tycoons who had their astronomical revenues through economic debt slavery reduced, in order to identify who was actually being persecuted?


judea-declares-war_shadowThis same ‘International Jewry’ Declared War on Germany in 1933, with the same ‘Jewish Persecution’ propaganda as the excuse… but what had actually occurred at this point in 1933? The German-Jews denounced the international Persecution Propaganda in defense of the honour of Germany, the Nuremberg Laws weren’t enacted until late 1935, even many German-Jews who lived under two flags at that later time, saw them as reasonable and did not suffer any deprivations with a new National status and, the Krystallnacht False-Flag – which resulted in the internment of many German-Jews – did not occur until November 1938 (10 months after the aforementioned half a billion Jewish financial war plan)… so what prompted ‘International Jewry’ to Declare War on Germany in 1933?

The duly elected Adolf Hitler became Chancellor on January 30, 1933 and less than two months later, Judea Declared Economic Warfare on Germany, March 24, 1933 – coincidentally, only one day after Hitler received Plenary Power, via the passing of the Enabling Act – the Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich (“Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich”). The Law to Remedy Distress, resulted in communist non-effect in the Reichstag, the abolition of over 30 useless, divide and conflicting parties that had destroyed Germany for the previous 14 years. The fact that it was International Jewry who responded to the abolition of communist power within Germany, by economic warfare, also attests to who the communists were/are.
(Hitler’s Reichstag speech, March 23, 1933)
International Jewry’s Declaration of Economic Warfare on Germany, was no idle threat upon a suffering people, who were reliant on their export in order for the people just to eat. The NSDAP came into possession of an impoverished nation and starving people, had virtually no army, the country was broke, enslaved by impossible WWI reparations and more than 30% of the people were suffering unemployment… all while a privileged few were living the high life at the expense of the starving and poverty stricken majority.
Germany had nothing in its hands to be a threat to anyone (except communist and financier positions) and with the monumental national problems within the country, the priorities of what deserved attention to revive the German Nation, did not revolve around putting yellow star stickers on less than one half of 1% of the population, as some inane attempt at national remedy.
However, what the NSDAP did possess, was a well prepared plan for economic reform and a 25 Point Program for the revival of the Nation, a program which was pivotal on the embodiment of the National Socialists Economic Reform. A program that would have been hindered if the communist votes were allowed to remain in the Reichstag.

The NSDAP’s Economic Reform for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money, was widely known in economist circles from 1919 and the 25 Point Program was publicly announced on February 24, 1920… It was this well considered and developed plan, which the NSDAP absolutely intended to implement, is what the self proclaimed “Jewish” Financiers anticipated and knew to be a threat to their corrupt, yet powerful positions. These international financial Tycoons and war profiteers, obviously felt a pre-emptive Counter-Offensive was in order!
A look at a few of the 25 Points will highlight who would benefit from them and who would detest these economic principles, claiming the abolition of their national theft as Persecution;

6. The right to vote on the State’s government and legislation shall be enjoyed by the citizens of the State alone. We demand therefore that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the Reich, in the states or in the smaller localities, shall be held by none but citizens.

11. The abolition of incomes unearned by work.

The Breaking of the Slavery of Interest

12. In view of the enormous sacrifices of life and property demanded of a nation by any war, personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts).

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.

15. We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores, and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small traders in the placing of State and municiple orders.

17. We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation; the abolition of ground rent, and the prohibition of all speculation in land. *

18. We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Common criminals, usurers, profiteers, etc., must be punished with death, whatever their creed or race.

Point 6: Opposed to being considered pro-German, shockingly enough in Germany itself, it has been ridiculed as discriminatory toward Jews; but in Western Nations, is it not Constitutional that Prime Ministers and Presidents be citizens of the nations they purport to lead, in attempt to guarantee national loyalties? Further, for example, would it be considered a moral political principle for U.S. citizens to flood Chinese Parliamentary positions, to dictate how the Chinese people will be administered in their own land, by American ideological legislative enactments? Would it be ethical to allow an ethnicity of less than 0.5% of any population, to decide how another ethnicity of +99% will be administered in their own land? Is that not contradictory to the Universal Right of Self-Determination, where Peoples have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and political policies, without interference?


Point 18
may seem excessively harsh to those who are absent of understanding in exactly how injurious the unscrupulous practices of usury and speculator profiteering is to the people… Usury, or rather issuing debt (via IOU) with attached interest, is not the exchange or loan of money… it is the demand of payment from one party (the Creditor) – for which they gave or forfeited absolutely nothing – from another party (the Debtor), who is required to extract affluence to service the greater interest first, before even reducing the principle, which is only based on an inequivalent, minimal fraction of a reserved asset (Fractional Reserve Lending). When this is done on a large scale, on a national scale, in the Millions and Billions, it is nothing but economic rape and enslavement of a nations people, who are ordered to exchange their time, their effort, their labour, their creativity, ingenuity, productivity and their time away from family, to give all the fruit of their efforts to economic racketeers, to self-licensed loan sharks, who gave them nothing in the first instance except an accounting entry of debt – a flick of a pen… this is precisely what Point 11 of the NSDAP’s program is referring to- “The abolition of incomes unearned by work.”
This infinite debt system, of interest on interest (demand for everything in exchange for nothing) is the ONLY CAUSE of endless inflation; and the worlds so-called Leaders, who contract these International Financiers, through promise to service their demand, do not produce anything. So where do the worlds so-called Leaders (middle-men) extract payment from to serve the International Financiers? Of course the people, the producers, who are the only source of affluence from which it can be extracted and, as the effect of interest on interest continually increases the debt demand, newly invented and increased taxes, fees, levy’s, tolls, fines, schemes and the general increase in the cost of everything, is the only way the Leaders can create increasing revenue to meet the International Financiers interest-debt demands… thus, continually reducing the value of the currency.
Is it fair or ethical to get something for nothing, through legalised theft demand? What about getting everything for nothing? Who in their right mind would think anyone who has risked nothing and given nothing, has the right to demand from another almost all the benefits of everything they’ve produced and created? What could benefit the people if all the fruits of their efforts were reinvested back into the peoples interests (by the billions), opposed to continually flowing into the pockets of the debt creators, the self-licensed loan sharks, who offered nothing?
This is a crime, a theft, so massive, so incomprehensible against all people, depriving them of the reward of their efforts and in most cases, depriving them of their most basic needs to live…
This is a crime against humanity!
So is Point 18 excessively harsh considering the scale of theft, deprivation, poverty imposition and enslavement? Is it Persecution to be denied the legal ability to continue wide-spread economic enslavement and theft, from the many to the few? Is it Persecution to out-law individuals from being able to conduct crimes against humanity under the threat of punishment? This writer thinks not! The reader can come to their own conclusion.

Anti-Semitic States…?

The Worker reports that “Anti-Semitic States” [are burdened with debt], colloquially suggesting that a national, political institution (a ‘State’), holds a racial ideological bias, on behalf of all individuals under that political system, which would include Jews themselves? Whether today’s Jews of European origin are in fact Semites, is for a different discussion. In any event, the clarification of what pertains to an ‘Anti-Semitic State’ by the self-proclaimed Jewish Financiers, continues to be pursuant to economic policies and who has control over a nations policies.

Through the vote of the German people, Hitler won against the Communists in Germany, he threw out the Bankers and their fraudulent credit systems from the nation, created a new carefully controlled currency tied directly to labour (not speculative gold), developed immense public works programs for employment and installed tight controls on prices and wages – income for the German people which he increased by 10.9%. Stock markets were also controlled to keep prices from being manipulated by international market speculators; as such, Germany’s Reichsmark could not be speculated against on the international markets and Germany’s sovereign currency was not part of the Jewish financiers international usury debt system.
Mussolini’s Italy worked similarly with its own economic system, including expropriatory tax on war profits and large scale public works, thus, was also considered an ‘Anti-Semitic State’ with Japan later following a close third.

As a ‘State’ in the political spectrum, is generally applied to policies which implementations are mostly related to economics; and as the self described Jewish Financiers claim it was they who were being Persecuted by said State, it would appear, by their own definition, that an “Anti-Semitic State” is one which does not give the Jewish Financiers free reign over their nations people and productivity, nor legislative capacity for their economic debt slavery systems.
A nation not enslaved by usurious debt to the International Jewish Financiers, thus not under its control, is somehow Anti-Semitic?

Burdened with debt…?

great-gold-heist_1933_shadowWas it not all nations who were involved in WWI that were burdened with [war] debt? Was it not this war debt that spurred the manipulated Wall Street Stock Market Crash of 1929, which grew into the Great Depression of longevity through to the late 1930’s? Who benefited from this great suffering of peoples from all nations around the world, buying up everything for a penny on the pound? Who used this manipulated scenario to steal all the Americans gold, with the excuse it needed to be confiscated to the private shareholders of the Federal Reserve in order to revive from the Great Depression – facilitated by FDR’s Executive Order 6102, better-known as the Great Gold Heist of 1933? Who were the War Profiteers, Market Speculators and International Financiers that could have foreseen and benefited from such a war and resulting international economic catastrophe? The reader can perhaps speculate themselves to find that answer?

It was many of the western nations which were also still laden with WWI debt and could not pay it at the time (and thanks to interest on interest, are still paying for it today). But unlike Jewish Bolshevik Russia, following the so-called Russian Revolution (rather, Jewish usurpation of Russia) – conveniently, a mid-WWI coup d’etat – National Socialist Germany did not abandon the WWI debt and was making good on the payments. The Jewish Bolshevik USSR – for some reason(?) – wasn’t subjected to a credit recall like other nations? Special nepotistic favouritism by the creditors perhaps? However, Germany did not have gold reserves, they were stolen by the All-lies during WWI, but somehow, after total blame for WWI, accompanied by the astronomical reparation payments (“Tribute Madness” as Hitler referred), civil war, the Great Depression which the entire world was suffering and the greatest hyperinflation a nation has ever been subjected to in history, began to thrive economically and prosper above all other nations; and unemployment was near eradicated from over 30.1% in 1932 to 2.1% by the end of 1935, regardless of the WWI debt.
Was this just some economic accident, a miracle, perhaps an unexplainable ‘Economic Miracle’ as the victor economists would have us believe? Or was it simply ‘Economic Logic’ facilitated by a well considered and planned Economic Reform?

With the differing national economic formats, it might beg the question also; why couldn’t the Allies make good on their WWI payments? Who was it they were actually indebted to – therefore controlled by? Were these industrious nations not able to manage their own currencies and productivity, to find a way to feed their people? Despite the invisible debt, did they not have vast resources and the physical capacity to at least grow food, thereby creating work to produce it?
Of course, if external entities control a nations currency, control the gold reserves (or confiscated it), therefore controlling the value of currency based on the fractional gold standard (which in-turn makes it a commodity of speculation in itself), then these entities which have issued the debt (IOU imposition) dictate where any revenue or surplus – if any – will be directed… Obviously the International financiers, in the interests of humanity and good will, did not (and will not) find it in their hearts to forego this debt created from a flick of a pen, to direct future revenue back to the people. The debtors, being beholden to the currency creators, the creditors, the self-licensed loan sharks, then offer the nations public assets to service the unpaid debt (credit recall), thus making the International Financiers the owners of those countries National productivity, manufacturing, infrastructure and utilities etc. (commonly disguised as Privatisation) who in-turn, ultimately charge the people for the use of their own public services they built… Unfortunately, post-privatisation, the people no longer receive the affluence generated from their own collective productivity, as the former public services become private businesses for profit. Further, the International Financiers still demand the interest on interest be paid! But where would that revenue come from once the people lose the benefits of their privatised public services and works? Inflation and an endless creation of new and increased taxes. This is total theft and wealth extraction out of all nations who submit to the demands of the International Financiers, who are nothing but large scale Counterfeiters = Criminals!
I refer to Point 18 of the NSDAP Program.

So who would these external elements of fiat currency (debt) issuance be? Could it be the same self-described Jewish Financiers? Why would these Jewish Financiers, if not International Financiers, be interested in foreign states who have taken steps to implement their own sovereign economic systems, having to describe them as “Anti-Semitic States”?
In reflection of the economically crippled world of the day, the majority of nations had the suffering yolk of international war debt and results of commodity speculation around their necks, thus controlled and owned… but the few nations that broke free from this economic enslavement system, giving back to their own people, whilst still paying the debt, were the ones the world was told, were an evil threat to humanity, had war declared upon them and were labelled Anti-Semitic.
“Anti-Semitic States burdened with debt”? No, States not under Jewish Financier control!

“In the exchange of telegrams from the 1939 -1940 period,
the British were ready to negotiate peace, if
Germany returned to the Gold Standard.”
∼ Captain J. Creagh-Scott, 1947


Jewry faced with persecution in Poland, Rumania, Austria…?

The Persecution narrative which had been peddled throughout the world in regard to European Jews, was not only a repetitive escalation of propaganda since the 1933 Jewish Declaration of War against Germany, but common propaganda prior to the Third Reich and beyond; even claiming Jewish Persecution under the Jewish coup government that usurped Empirical Russia (aka Russian Revolution), persecuted by their co-religionists, even though under U.S.S.R. law Anti-Semitism was punishable by death?
So is there any logical claim that Jewry was subject to persecution by Rumania as an Anti-Semitic State? Rumania was not allied with Germany or any other state at this time, it sought to maintain neutrality and cordial international relations. Poland had its own inner ethnic turmoil, social and employment problems, but was not allied with Germany either. However, with the cordial and progressive efforts Hitler had made toward diplomatic relations, the late First Marshall of Poland, Jozef Pilzudski and Adolf Hitler did sign a German-Polish non Aggression Pact in 1934, agreeing to forego military conflict for a period of 10 years and Germany recognising Polands borders… Unfortunately, Marshall Pilzudski died in 1935. Poland had historically been used by Allied states to incite war and border conflict – a cordial relationship with Germany would not have been pleasing to the International Financiers and war mongers, therefore, must have been an Anti-Semitic State.
Hitler speaks on German-Polish Peace here.


Despite Rumania’s 1921 Little Entente alliance in defense of potential Hungarian territorial ambitions, an agreement to supposedly safeguard against any restoration by the Habsburgs in response the Versailles Treaty and, the previous 1926 military pact with France, via the 1921 Act, King Carol II was caught in a sphere of power struggles and desired to stay neutral as much as possible. However, it too had communist political party conflict, internal ethnic turmoil from sizable ethnic minorities, border disputes, along with its much sought after natural resources, especially oil. Germany’s contract with Royal Dutch Shell, via its pro-Nationalist CEO, Henri Deterding, who had contracts with Rumanian oil too, saw the commodity speculators not impressed with the growing German-Rumanian diplomatic relations that were unfolding, especially after the Little Entente’s complete disbandment in 1938 – therefore, must have been an Anti-Semitic State. King Carol’s Rumania became ripe for social turmoil and movements, to keep Romania with state weakening internal strife, so as to not side with, or trade with Germany.

Austria? Since the end of WWI, the Austrian people who had arbitrarily been subject to the dissection of the German/Austro-Hungarian Empire, via the Versailles dictat and the Treaty of Saint Germain, had desired to re-join the German Reich and even more eagerly, since Germany began to prosper under National Socialism, while they themselves suffered in debt and poverty. But in defiance of the peoples right to self-determination, the merger was forbidden by the WWI All-lies! Austrian Leader Engelbert Dollfuss also vehemently opposed it, especially after Hitler became Chancellor in 1933. Austria too was in political, social and economic turmoil, with revolutionary movements and even civil war in 1934. Dollfuss eventually dissolved parliament and made himself dictator, outlawing movements against him. He was a conservative, anti-Communist and attempted to model himself and his government on Mussolini’s Fascism. He was assassinated during a 1934 attempted coup d’etat, the July Putsch and his successor, Kurt Schuschnigg, followed closely in his format. The growing national feeling to unite once again with Germany, would have been an anxious anticipation for the Jewish Financiers. So to excite international condemnation of Austria, by defamatory accusations of an Anti-Semitic State, served as a strategic psychological precursor for international support for war, whether it be military or economic warfare. Unlike in Italy and Germany, the Rothschilds were still conducting their usurious financial business in Austria, but only 3 months after the above financial war plan was announced, 99.71% of the people turned out and 99.73% of the those Austrian people voted to rejoin the Reich in an April 10, 1938 Referendum. On the same day, another Referendum was held in Germany to ask the volk if they wished to rejoin Austria too. Of the 99.5% of the people who turned out, 99.8% of the German people agreed to unite again with their Austrian brothers and sisters… The Rothschild bank in Vienna was closed that same week, with all of its assets seized by the Reich government… the act of an apparent Anti-Semitic State against corrupt Financiers

Adolf Hitler Speaks At Heldenplatz In Vienna 15 March 1938
in the unification of Germany and Austria.

They may find their very existence threatened…?

The self-described Jewish Financiers and Leaders of International Jewry, felt that strongly about their systems and economic positions of extreme power being potentially replaced, that not only did they declare a world-wide economic boycott on Germany in 1933 – which had no long term effect once Germany took control of its own economy – but 5 years later wanted to target nations who might establish their own sovereign currencies and trade practices along with Germany too. They stated this financial war would “be fought on the worlds stock exchanges,” but as we have already established above, Germany’s Reichsmark was not part of the Jewish Financiers usury system and therefore could not be speculated against on international markets and the German stock markets were also tightly controlled to keep prices from being manipulated by international market speculators. So whose very existence were they now threatening? The Polish? The Rumanians? The Austrians?
As we’ve witnessed over many generations, when these international economic players impose Blockades, Boycotts and Sanctions (same effect – different titles) against various nations people, their very existence is actually threatened and ultimately millions upon millions of civilian people have starved to death, or by disease and illness due to not having access to sanitary and medical supplies. This is the inhumane extent that International Jewry are prepared to go to, in order to keep their financial power over nations and peoples.

However, was this £500,000,000 (an estimated $52.6 Trillion USD today) actually going to be used purely on the world stock exchanges? Considering that the New York Stock Exchange in 2011 alone, measured Market Capitalisation (USD Billions) at 14,242; and Trade Value (USD Billions) at 20,161; then one could speculate where this finance would be directed.
Another aspect to consider is the Stock Market Crash of 1929 had reduced the value in all capital just 9 years earlier…

The £500,000,000 was clearly an extremely excessive amount of wealth in the day, to be held by one group or organisation, as the Worker reported that; ‘The leaders of international Jewry [who met in a village near Geneva] expected no trouble in raising such a fund – which to fight the persecutors of Jewish financiers and obviously this kind of excessive economic power would not be relinquished with honour, or without a fight. The owners (or confiscators) of gold did actually do very well from the 1929 crash, as the price of a single ounce of gold rose from just $291 an ounce in 1929, to $539 in 1939… how speculatively lucky for those who held confiscated the gold?

Coincidentally, a year later, the Cairns Post reported on July 8, 1939 (3 months before the outbreak of war – allegedly a surprise invasion by Germany), that the Governors of the Bank of England had planned for a secret gold vault to store, yes, quite the coincidence, £500,000,000 worth of gold, for war securities.

SECRET VAULT FOR £500,000,000

Governors of the Bank of England have drawn up plans for transporting £500,000,000 – of the nations’s gold reserve to a secret vault in the country in the event of war.
This vault is hundreds of miles from London, and comprises a bomb-proof safe deposit. The convoy, will be escorted by an armed guard of both police and soldiers
The gold represents Britain’s staying power-the basis on which war loans might be raised, and the purchasing power which will ensure supplies of food and raw materials from overseas.

Where was this funding spent? Was anything actually spent?

Let’s use one nation for an example… The American mobilisation for WWII at the end of 1941, had moved approximately ten million people out of the civilian labour force and into the war. Government-financed capital spending accounted for only 5% of the annual U.S. investment in industrial capital in 1940; but by 1943, it had increased to 67% of all U.S. investment.

Bernard Baruch was yet another Jewish financier, stock investor and political consultant. As a partner in A.A. Housman & Company, his earnings and commissions enabled him to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. There he amassed a fortune before the age of 30 by profiting from speculation in the market. By 1910, he had become one of Wall Street’s best-known financiers. In a treasonous display of conflict of interest, he was appointed Chief Advisor to both war-time U.S. Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt on all economic matters; and during WWII Baruch controlled 351 of the most important branches of American heavy industry. He was on the Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense and, in 1918, he was the chairman of his new War Industries Board, which managed the US’ economic mobilisation during WWI. He also served as a staff-member at the Versailles conference in France.
For his work in WWI, Baruch was awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal which cited, in part; Baruch, a United States Civilian, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility during World War I, in the organization and administration of the War Industries Board and in the coordination of allied purchases in the United States. By establishing a broad and comprehensive policy for the supervision and control of the raw materials, manufacturing facilities, and distribution of the products of industry, he stimulated the production of war supplies, coordinated the needs of the military service and the civilian population, and contributed alike to the completeness and speed of the mobilization and equipment of the military forces and the continuity of their supply.”


Winston Churchill and Bernard Baruch

When the United States entered WWII, President Roosevelt appointed Baruch a Special Adviser to the director of the Office of War Mobilization. He supported what was known as a “Work or Fight” bill. Baruch advocated the creation of a permanent Super-agency similar to his old Industries Board of WWI. His theory ‘elevated the role of Civilian Businessmen and Industrialists in determining what was needed and who would produce it.’ But did the U.S. have surplus to be able to afford all this war time spending to these Civilian Businessmen, especially after the Great Depression? If not, where was the vast finance for it sourced from? Which Civilian Businessmen and Industrialists profiteered from this great war-time expenditure and investment in war production? And on top of that, who would the war debt, with interest on interest be paid to at the end of the war? Has it even been paid off today?

In yet another economic coincidence on the international stage of profiteering and war debt, on February 12, 1949, the Townsville Daily Bulletin reported, that foreign borrowers had defaulted on their payments and interest, to the tune of… you guessed it… £500,000,000.

£500,000,000 DEFAULT

LONDON, Feb. 11. – Foreign borrowers who have defaulted in their payments of capital and interest, now owe British investors nearly £500 million.
The Council of Foreign Bondholders says this in its annual report.
The council protects the interests of holders of foreign government, State or municipal obligations issued in Britain.


Considering that we know Germany’s currency could hardly be effected by international market speculators in 1938, and due to the self sufficiency of the 4 Year Plan having succeeded exponentially, we learn that it is the people with money to spend, is what in fact creates national economic growth. Only the public demand for produce and manufacturing (resulting in more paid employment for further spending and demand), can stimulate national economies… which is the effect of compounding affluence, opposed to compounding interest-debt/extraction – it is the very difference between a positive affluence based currency, opposed to a negative debt based currency. Demand cannot be created by a poor people without money and no employment in manufacturing or production can be developed, unless there is people wanting the goods and can actually buy it. No manufacturer or producer will grow or make more than what is in demand, thus, will not need further employees.
This type of economic growth can never be achieved with a debt based currency system, as all the affluence is continually flowing from the many people, to the few loan-sharks. Such is the format of Jewish usury systems all over the world… the economic enslavement of all people, never to rise above negative debt, to positive affluence.

The mechanics of the Third Reich’s economic system, saw the nation come from being the most impoverished and starving during the world-wide Great Depression, to soaring in prosperity above all others, almost instantaneously. Jewish economists and publishers wouldn’t dare explain the simplicity of these economic reforms to the rest of the worlds nations, thus claimed them to be a miracle, an “Economic Miracle” – No such miracle exists!

The self-described International Jewish Financiers, describe states with such economies as “Anti-Semitic States” given their policy to not facilitate Jewish usury practices or, economic control and enslavement over their nation and people. These Jewish El-ites absolutely did consider these policies as a threat to their existence (perhaps even Persecution), an existence based on parasiticism, even a war on their parasiticism – and they did indeed respond in kind.
If the economic systems of the so-called “Anti-Semitic States” had been adopted by other nations – which it certainly would have in time, if they were left alone – then their parasitic existence would have disintigrated, all their hoards of useless inanimate gold wouldn’t have helped them and they may have even had to work to support themselves. Such could not be tolerated and the answer to this was not to leave them alone, but… Total War! Declared twice by the self styled International Jewry, well before 1939.

However, they not only destroyed nations and people they couldn’t initially control, but prospered further with even more economic enslavement of those who fought their war for them. Was it really £500,000,000 to be played on the stock market, against nations whose economies could not be effected by it? Or was it the basis for so-called war loans?
The Worker did state that their “very existence might be threatened,” but it was rather by imposing debt currency onto various peoples Governments, to build war machines for their actual physical destruction.
Not only did the the future generations have this war-debt enslavement put around their necks before they were even born, but this expenditure resulted in Civilian Businessmen and Industrialists (who decided who would produce it), thrive in the biggest manufacturing boom in history, as well as thriving in the rebuilding and construction of the destroyed countries post-war.
Moreover, they not only achieved great speculative profit, great debt revenue, great business in manufacturing and construction, destruction of millions of people and families all over the world, destruction of ancient historical and irreplaceable architecture; but to top it all off, they got to keep all the gold too… not that anyone saw this half a billion pounds worth of gold that the debt currency was supposedly created on – we’ll just have to take their word for it that they had it… in any event, they didn’t lend gold out, or give any away, just created debt on its purported existence, so they risked and gave NOTHING!

We are led to believe that gold is a real asset to regulate a consistent value in money, but how does that work in reality in a debt-based currency system?
The International Jewish Financiers [allegedly] held half a billion pounds worth of gold, to which they gave to no one (risked and forfeited nothing). A half a billion pounds worth of debt was issued to various Governments based on its [alleged] existence. The Governments transferred/spent this debt-credit on armaments in the businesses of Civilian Industrialists, debt which then transformed into being half a billion pounds worth of revenue for the recipients – who are likely the same international financiers and stock investors, such as Bernard Baruch. These stock investors then received great commissions and wealth through the increased value of their shares, due to the rapid sales and manufacturing in their industrial businesses.

To summarise; They gave nothing away, they imposed half a billion pounds worth of debt, they received half a billion pounds worth of revenue from it on top of the gold they [allegedly] held, their businesses boomed and stock shares grew in value (great speculation)… and they end up demanding that they are still owed another half a billion pounds worth of revenue, due to Government default on debt payment… This is more than tripling their net worth, as well as injecting more debt-based currency into the entire currency pool – reducing the currency’s value thereby.
Remember, this does not even include the infinite interest (usury) on half a billion pounds.

Risked Nothing – Gave Nothing – Took Everything


N. Jones is a Writer, Researcher, Historian and Literary Critic.

2 thoughts on “1938 News Report: Financial War on “Anti-Semitic States” for “Persecuting Jewish FINANCIERS” not Civilian Jews

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